Monday, October 25, 2010


Of course this happened. I bet all of you were like all surprised that I didn't learn over the weekend. That's because I unlearned things. I unlearned lots of things, but not enough, because next weekend I'm going to unlearn even harder.

But today I started to learned about spirit gum.

Spirit Gum is actually the stuff you use to stick things to your face. Like when you don't have a mustache but want one for an evening out on the town.

But then I found out that it's made of booze (ethyl alcohol or "ethanol") and a more different alcohol called ethyl acetate.

So then I looked up stuff about ethanol, cool stuff. Like how much it takes to kill a rat: 7060 mg/kg, which if you're like me and you don't know what that means, it means ppm or parts per million.

So how much booze is that?

Well according to Yahoo answers the average adult male rat should weigh somewhere between 500-700 grams.  If we assume a 600 gram rat, then it takes only 4.236 grams of pure booze to kill it. Let's assume you don't have pure ethanol on hand, then you should use Everclear, and how much?
Everclear is 95% alcohol, so you'd need 4.4589 grams. Let's call it 4.5 grams for good measure.

So like that's a lot of booze for a rat. I guess? I'm not really sure that my math is all that solid, but the numbers seem nice to me.

But then I found this crazy article about a woman in Minnesota who got pulled over, apparently she blew a .706. That's insane. Do you know what that means? That means 70% of her blood was alcohol. Impossible, but whatever Minnesotan women:
 are ridiculously hard to kill.

Do yourself a favor and at least click the second link. Because it is insane. This lady fought winter, and won. Not even Napolean could do that.

Any way, that's what I learned today.

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